Archive for May, 2006
Technology Helpline’s Summer Hours
The Technology Helpline has officially moved to Summer Hours. We are available from 8am-4:45pm, Monday through Friday. You can still leave voicemail and email at anytime. We will be checking these messages every weekday morning and throughout the daytime hours.
Apple Security Updates
On Thursday, May 11th, Apple released a security update for users on both Intel and PowerPC platforms. This includes users who have 10.4.6 and 10.3.9. There was an update for Quicktime 7 as well. Please visit to find out more information about these updates. It is suggested that all Apple users run Software Updates […]
May 10th – Last Day for Network Fix Day
The Technology Helpline’s service – Network Fix Day – will no longer except computers for this school year after May 10th, 2006. We will continue to work on the computers we do have until they are finished. We wish everyone luck with Finals and great end of the school year.
Mozilla Firefox Update
Mozilla has released a security update to its popular web browser, Firefox. Mozilla recommends that all users upgrade to the new version. It may or may not try to upgrade itself, but you can go to and click on the link to download the new update for Firefox. If you are a staff or […]
GarageBand 3.0.2 Update
GarageBand 3.0.2 Update This update was made available via Software Update for the Macintosh platform on April 24th. GarageBand 3.0.2 addresses issues with video handling, podcast exporting, and importing QuickTime markers. It also addresses a number of other minor issues. System Requirements — Mac OS X 10.3.9 — Mac OS X 10.4.3 or later — […]
iWork ’06 v2 updates
If you are running a copy of iWork ’06 for Mac OSX, updates for Keynote 3 and Pages 2 are available from Software Update. Keynote’s current version is 3.0.1v2. Pages’ current version is 2.0.1v2. To run Software Update on your Apple computer, please click on the blue apple in the upper left hand corner, and […]
User Services/Library Position – HIRED
We have great news! Jessie Twaddle has accepted the User Services/Library position and will be starting in June. He will be replacing Kathy Spexet.