Windows 7 installed on the Campus Center Kiosk Stations Posted on February 26th, 2010 by

We have installed Windows 7, Microsoft’s newest operating system, on the kiosk stations in the campus center. (next to the Post Office and the PA office)

Stop by and give them a try! It does look a little bit different, but we think you will like the results. If you have questions or concerns, please call the Technology Helpline (x6111) or send us an e-mail at

Thanks goes out to Jerry Nowell, of our Web Services team, for designing the nice looking background. You can download the background for your own computer here.



  1. Cory Ruegg says:

    I am really impressed with the windows 7 install on the public computers. It looks much simpler and definitely much more visually appealing. Thank GTS for installing them on these computers, hopefully a campus wide install should happen soon…

  2. Nicholas Sonsteby says:

    I have updated the post to include a link to download the background to use on your computer.