Category: Connectivity

  • Technology Updates

    As the summer draws to a close and Gusties start thinking of their return to campus, we wanted to pass along some technology information and updates.  If you have any questions or concerns regarding this information or any other technology needs, please contact the Technology Helpline at or 507-933-6111. Printing on Campus To address…

  • Welcome Class of 2012 Technology Services would like to answer any questions you might have in regards to technology at Gustavus. We have created a Frequently Asked Questions web page that should hopefully answer all the questions you might have. Please contact us if you have any questions after reading through the Frequently Asked Questions. We can be…

  • Faster and more reliable Internet

    Wireless is a great thing, there is no getting around that. Although this is true, sometimes you need a more reliable connection to the Internet. We recommend that you disable your wireless card on your laptop and plug your computer into an ethernet jack for those times when reliability is a must. To ensure this…

  • Technology Helpline Orientation Hours

    Friday Helpline 8am – 4:45pm Olin Hall Computer Lab Call x6111 for assistance getting registered on the Gustavus network. In Hall Support 10am – 3pm Stop by our tables in the main entrance areas of Pittman, Sohre, and Norelius. Walk Up Computer Help 10am – 3pm Stop by Olin’s main floor lobby for assistance registering…

  • Schaefer (North End) Network Re-Wiring

    This afternoon (Thursday, March 15th) and tomorrow morning  there will be some short disruptions to the network connectivity in the north end of Schaefer. Thank you for your patience while we make this upgrade. If you have any questions, please contact the Technology Helpline at x6111.

  • GAC Squad – Today!

    Need help registering your computer on the Gustavus (wired or wireless) network? Do you have virus-related computer problems? Today, March 8th, the Gustavus Technology Helpline will be running its GAC Squad from 2:30pm-9:00pm in the Olin Computer Lab. During this time, the Technology Helpline will be helping students register their computers on the wired and…

  • Network Maintenance in Schaefer/Theater

    Starting tomorrow (Thursday, March 8th) and during the next few days there will be some short disruptions to the network connectivity in the north end of Schaefer – The Theater area primarily. A conscious effort will be made so that each port will only be down for a short period of time (under 10 minutes).…

  • GAC Squad – Tonight!

    Need help registering your computer on the Gustavus (wired or wireless) network? Do you have virus-related computer problems? Today, March 5th, the Gustavus Technology Helpline will be running its GAC Squad from 5:00-9:00pm in the Olin Computer Lab. During this time, the Technology Helpline will be helping students register their computers on the wired and…