Month: September 2006
Windows Updates
Microsoft released an update yesterday (9/26/2006) that addressed a known vulnerabiltiy with Internet Explorer. The vulnerability could potentially allow malicious code to be executed on a users computer, just by visiting an infected web site with Internet Explorer. For more details, please see ZDNet or Microsoft sites. Gustavus users will be prompted to install the…
Gustavus Email/Home Directory Quotas
As many of you know, Gustavus Adolphus College’s students, faculty, and staff have a limit to the amount of data (files, email, etc) they are able to save on the Gustavus server, otherwise known as your Home Directory. This limit is called your Quota. Many web-based email sites such as Yahoo!, Hotmail, or Gmail have…
Printer Woes
This summer, Technology Services replaced all the printers in all the residence hall labs with new black and white laser printers. The old printers had printed hundreds of thousands of copies and had become difficult to keep in good working condition in this demanding environment. The new printers have caused some unexpected problems in the…
International Center Switch Upgraded
Before 7 am this morning (Friday), the main switch that controls the network in the International Center was upgraded. International Center residents may need to reboot their computers. Other questions or concerns can be referred to the Technology Helpline at x6111.
Students- Need help registering your computer?
Need help registering your computer on the Gustavus network?On Thursdays during the month of September, between 1 and 4:00 pm, the Technology Helpline will be offering walk-up help in the main lobby of Olin. During this time, the Technology Helpline will be helping students register their computers on the wired and wireless networks. This service…
Network Maintenance Tonight
Taken from the Techannounce email sent today- “Today, September 15th, during GTS’ weekly maintenance period, which starts today, 5pm on Fridays, we will be upgrading the campus’ core network switch. Starting at 5pm, users will not be able to access the Internet, their e-mail, the Gustavus web page, etc. We estimate the transition will be…
Students- Need help registering your computer?
Need help registering your computer on the Gustavus network? On Thursdays during the month of September, between 1 and 4:00 pm, the Technology Helpline will be offering walk-up help in the main lobby of Olin. During this time, the Technology Helpline will be helping students register their computers on the wired and wireless networks. This…
Facebook- Adopting Open Admission
Do you have a Facebook account? Do you like the fact that only a certain people can register and be a Facebook member? Guess again. They are changing their admission requirements - to anybody with Internet access. Please see the following link: Originally they have slated this major change to take place on September…
Return of the Hitlist and Dutyperson!
During the academic year the managers of the Technology Helpline use two tools to help coordinate the daily activities of all our employees. The Hitlist and the Dutyperson. The Hitlist has matured and changed over the years, and has changed yet again this year. We hope it will continue to change during the year. This…
Students- Need help registering?
Need help registering your computer on the Gustavus network? On Thursdays during the month of September, between 1 and 4:00 pm, the Technology Helpline will be offering walk-up help in the main lobby of Olin. During this time, the Technology Helpline will be helping students register their computers on the wired and wireless networks. This…