Category: Tips and Tricks

  • Self Service Password Reset

    Have you ever forgot your Gustavus email password? Did you have it saved in your web browser and all of a sudden, it’s not there? In our ongoing efforts to better serve you, we have created a tool for you to reset your password yourself. To prepare: Visit the GTS tools page. Login with your…

  • Where’s your flash drive?

    The Technology Helpline has found numerous flash drives in the Olin Hall computer lab recently. Please remember to grab your flash drive when you are done using the computers. We will do our best to return found flash drives to their respective owners. Helpful hint: Create a (.doc) Word file with your contact information and…

  • Phishing email this weekend…

    Gustavus Technology Services will never ask for your password. Be aware that this weekend an email, NOT FROM GUSTAVUS, was sent out regarding your email password. Please be aware that this is a scam/phishing attempt. Thank you to those that brought it to our attention. Please delete the message immediately. Always remember, if you are…

  • E-mail Quotas

    Most users at Gustavus have an e-mail quota of 250 MB. A quota limits the amount of disk space that each user can use. If you are close to your e-mail quota, you will receive an e-mail notification. To check your e-mail quota and usage, please visit the GTS Tools Page. Click on the “Check…

  • Want to know the status of the Gustavus network/email?

    During times of email outages or network connectivity problems, you can find the latest status of the problem by: Dialing the Technology Helpline’s phone number (x6111) and pressing 1. This will give the latest news on any network/email problems that Gustavus is experiencing. You will also have an opportunity to connect with a consultant at…

  • I LOST my 12 page paper!

    It is that time of year when final papers are being written, stress is upon students, and late nights are common. The Technology Services department would like to remind everybody that backing up data and saving frequently is more important than ever – especially near the end of the semester – when large/important papers or…

  • Webmail/Email Services Outage

    November 2, 1:15 pm. WebMail and email services are currently unavailable. We hope to have these services restored by 2:00pm. Please call the Technology Helpline x6111 and press 1 to hear the Network Status recording for updated information.

  • Email/Home Directory Outage

    Wednesday night, around 10:30pm, the servers that handle email/home directories went down, causing problems with checking email and accessing files stored on users’ home directories. At 11:00pm, all services were restored. If you have any questions, please contact the Technology Helpline at x6111.

  • Gustavus Email/Home Directory Quotas

    As many of you know, Gustavus Adolphus College’s students, faculty, and staff have a limit to the amount of data (files, email, etc) they are able to save on the Gustavus server, otherwise known as your Home Directory. This limit is called your Quota. Many web-based email sites such as Yahoo!, Hotmail, or Gmail have…

  • Planned Gustavus E-mail Outage

    Tonight at 10:30pm, Gustavus e-mail will be unavailable for approximately 10-15 minutes. We expect at 10:45pm, all services will be restored completely. All messages received during this outage will be delivered soon after the outage. Thank you for your patience.